Many people who need help with fitness are lost about how to achieve it, unable to afford it, or simply lack time for it. Consumers seeking help with their fitness are also an easy target for misinformation, often falling victim to gimmicky fitness products or services. 

On that premise, The Fit Singaporean was created to educate Singaporeans about fitness, and to connect them to reliable fitness information and services. 

The end-goal is to be a one-stop destination where visitors can find fitness guides, exercise recommendations, reviews, and learn about fitness products or services that can aid them in their fitness pursuits.

“Hey! it’s Boon again.

After years of helping people with their fitness, I observed many people seem to have an over-complicated view on fitness.

It could be the fast-moving fitness trends, or the endless stream of ‘fitness discoveries’ making the headlines.

Truth is, the process to achieve fitness is still as simple as it was 20, 30 years back!

Unfortunately, consumers are rarely reminded of this simplicity, and are instead offered the ‘hot and trendy’ methods that could end up hurting their chances of finding success.

The Fit Singaporean will try to present a voice that is factually accurate, agenda-free, and stripped of exaggerations. So that everything we say, you can trust too.”

– Boon, PhD, CSCS

Want to learn more about us?

About The Fit Singaporean

Find out more about the purpose
and mission of this website.

Founder's Story

Find out more about my ongoing journey
in the fitness industry here!